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Thursday, October 23, 2008


Hold on folks, I know we got some good photos in the bag

My new Canon XSi Digital camera has been getting quite a workout. I reluctantly retired my Nikon 8008 SLR after the rewind motor started to die and good quality film became hard to find. I really didn't want to buy a Canon but now I am glad I did. So today I will change the pictures hanging on the cafe's wall.

So what do you think?

Don't forget to click on the photo for an enlargement.
Mums a'plenty. Shot at our local Mum Fest. Tons of mums and lots of color
Okay, I got to get Mr Rags in here somewhere
Cheap Ride. It's the economy ya know.
That's right--just a plain old tree rat.

A nest of late fall color
Coming home to roost. The blackbirds were squawking so loud as the perched on the high lines and the substation next to it. Why do they like power lines so much?
Ha, we may never know.

Small note-- all blackbirds, starlings, grackles, red wings, etc gather to migrate together, but once they arrive at their destination they have nothing to do with each other.

A guy at our local cruise in showed me his new car. This was the first time he had it out in the public. The engine is an old "Jimmy," that has been hopped-up. It is really well detailed and built much like a 50's jalopy. Love the paint job.
The swan speaks for himself.

Even a sea gull can look majestic in the right light.
My friends like the semi tanker picture. Me? Eh, sort of neat.

I love shooting trains but we don't have much to chose from around here. The CSX line runs through our downtown area so I sat behind the strip mall until I heard the whistle.

This comes from Mohican State Park, a bit south of here. We were down by the river when I saw this bobber sitting near the shore--lost and alone. I tinted the water a bit on the computer, but I thought it made an interesting picture. My eye catches different things most folks pass on by.

I had to stalk this little creature for quite a long time. He kept following me because of the strobe flash. Hard to focus when they keep moving. The little fella usually came by everynight to see what was happening. Likely he froze to death by now. How sad.