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Monday, September 11, 2006


Today, six years hence liberals are still arguing about the war. How many of us have forgotten. I haven't. I still cry and as I am putting this up once again I weep. So we never forget I shall repost the woman I was picked to honor

As often is the case we awaken every morning, rub the sleep from our eyes and gulp down that cup of coffee as we head for the front door and move on to our assigned duties. For some, this is driving to classes at the nearby college, running off to the gym for a workout then stopping at Starbucks for a mid-day break with friends and associates.

For others it is off to the daily grind. Office workers, waitresses, bus boys, sales personnel, cab drivers, it makes little difference, the big city takes in the whole brigade that keeps America running–twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Men and women alike go to the big city and the city purrs like a warm kitten.

September 1, 2001 the city quit purring. New York City was attacked by Islamic fundamentalist who had a two part objective–to kill innocent civilians, and bring our nation's economy to a crawl. The Twin Towers, an art work of glass, steel and beauty, fell to a heap of dust and bent steel before the eyes of shocked onlookers, taking with it approximately 2,996 victims.

Eileen is not forgotten. This much I can tell you, Ms Greenstein was a resident a Morris Plains N.J. I can assure readers of Shelly's Cafe her memory, especially today, is held closely in many people's heart.

We can never understand the thought patterns of a terrorist. Hate is a sin born in the depths of Hell and civilized nations do not cower in the gutter of human depravity. God gives us a heart of love and compassion. Today, we as Americans, once again took time to remember the many, whatever their walk of life may have been, who gave their life five years ago. God bless you and your family Eileen.


camojack said...

Hi, honey.

These sites have her picture:
September 11 victims
United in memory

Just call me Shelly said...

Well folks, it pays to be able to fight your way throught the traffic on the WWW. Obviously there must be many sites doing the same as the one I went to. But I did what I did.

MargeinMI said...

Thanks to you too, Ms. RW. What your tribute lacks in personal details, it makes up for in heart.

Part of the prayers I sent up yesterday (and every day) is for God to turn their hearts from evil. Compared to their prayers to turn ours to evil. I know which side I'm on!

God bless you.

Hawkeye® said...

Nice job Ms. RW... truly heartfelt.

boberin said...

Very nicely done, I'm sure she is looking down and smiling, in part because of your efforts to keep her memory alive.

Beerme said...

Thanks for making victim #1419 a real person for me!