Settle in, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy your stay here at Shelly's. The pie is great, the coffee pot is always on and soon you will find this to be the best place in town. SOON TO BE AMERICA'S MOST READ BLOG

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My First U-Tube

For a century or more I wanted to produce a slide show for my photos instead of showing them individually. Since I did a photo shoot for my friends 50th anniversary and needed to put them on a disc, I decided this techno challenged holdover needed to move into the new millennium.

I will admit it took a whole day and half the night to finish this project, but hopefully I learned enough to do it again--using just a half day's time.

For the followers of both Shelly's Cafe and Shadows of America blogs I must apologize but MS issues slowed me down. I promise to try and keep up on both blogs now that I am feeling better

Well, here it is. Love it or hate it.


camojack said...

The first song sounded like Bing Crosby; who was the second?

Nice pictures, BTW...

Upnorthlurkin said...

Nicely done Ms. RW...

Beerme said...

I thought your first Youtube video was excellent! Nice musical accompaniment, as well!

Ain't snow purty?

Anonymous said...

Miss you

Anonymous said...

Miss You
May, 2012
