Within the site there is a photo page (yipee!) And a daily blog. Yesterday I penned a repentant article for not writing in months–adding that I promised to try harder. Well lo and behold things happened and I wrote again today. I thought maybe I will jump between Shelly's Cafe to The Other Side of The Cafe from time to time, such as today.
This is yesterday's blurb followed by today's. What do you think. Should I energize both blogs, or just one?
Saturday March 21, 2009
As many of my friends know I have kept a blog going for numerous years. Sadly within the last year my MS has slowed down my writing. Tis' a shame indeed--but can I return to a writers life? We shall see.
My original blog ( http://shellyscafe.blogspot.com/ ) is somewhat non-political because that represents the storyteller part of my life. I want to bring a smile to all segments of society with my previously published works. But, before I got paid to tell stories I made a living by writing political satire. The Clinton years gave me fodder beyond belief, plus my California days never let me down for local politics.
Well, we are now in the Clinton days redux, plus a new action figure, Barrack
So, as Paul Harvey would say, this is page one. Stay tuned for page two .
Sunday March 22, 2009
Every morning after I rub the sleep from my eyes and carefully begin a stumbling journey towards the coffee pot, then in turn stumble back towards my computer--If I may step aside from my thought train for a moment, for my new readers who may not be aware of my existence I have Multiple Sclerosis, so I use the word stumble very literally. Back aboard the thought train.
After my arrival at the computer with coffee in hand I delete all the ads for new wonder supplements and Ugg boots then read the good "stuff." Several years ago I stumbled upon, er discovered the Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day where occasionally I find little tid-bits of the English language, which as a writer I often destroyed for lack of anything better to do. When I was a semi-weekly newspaper columnist my readers told my they like the play on words that once seemed to come natural to me. But lately the play on words turned to war with words.
So toady, Sunday, the 22nd of March I awoke rather late and missed my Moody Church service on the radio. My body must have needed the sleep since I passed out on the recliner last night while watching a bio on Carol Burnette who always forced me to laugh until I snorted milk from my nose or caused me to run to the bathroom as not to have an accident. She made people laugh because she held her sidekicks as equals but most importantly she took life's adversities and looked them face on. Without creating a whole page on her life let me just say she inspired me back then and her bio inspired me today.
So, after sleeping to long, then killing my whole morning finishing off where sleep overtook me last night, (here we go again) I stumbled to the computer, erased the maddening nonsense of sending this sad story to ten other people, or having angels decorate my life if twenty other women.....................blah, blah, blah, hit the Webster site expecting some previously unknown word which would never be used in my conversation in a million lifetimes.
But, and this is the but we have so desperately been waiting for after numerous paragraphs of introduction. Sorry, I love suspense. The word was recrudescence (ree-kroo-DESS-uns), which means: a new outbreak after a period of abatement or inactivity: renewal. Yesterday I admitted that my desire to write had tanked. Perhaps just because I felt my words fell upon fallow grounds, perhaps it was laziness. Maybe visiting this exciting Internet site may also be the place to stand up, er stumble up, and say I can. Others have and with God's mercy, I shall too.
So recrudescence, do your magic.
P.S--for some reason I am unable to find a direct Internet address for We Surround Them USA.
Perhaps if you Google them you may get to the site
Don't you dare even think about removing me from your list. You can write about getting out of bed and you are more interesting than anything 0bama ever said.
I found all kinds of stuff about "We Surround Them " at the Glenn Beck site ,and on Facebook. I'll get back to you if I find a link.
Here's that link:
And here's hoping that your recrudescence is fruitful...
Would 'ecrudescence' be a new outbreak except it would be pale tan?
Now if you're going for "crudescence",we got just the crude crew in the White House to make the cruddy mess even cruddier.The very essence of this administration is Crudeness.
Not to worry, you are safe! I aded a few new names on my list, but some folks are not ready for my style (cough, cough). Well, this ain't no People magazine ya know.
I hope the fruit doesn't draw any gnats. If I sit back and relax that is exactly what will happen.
Can't you keep both blogs.Does it have to be either/or?
If pressed,my preference is this spontaneous reactive commentary in the Ms Right Wing style.
Right oh. Does it have to be one or the other. I like both. I am not a big poster but I like 'em.
Thanks for keeping me on the list. I do love being in touch.
Maggie, Mig
No it does not have to be an either or, I just thought about doing a Scott Ott thing where he combines both or all of his musings on Scrapple Face.
I'm navigating towards keeping the Cafe as it always was and doing satire elsewhere.
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